Monday, November 8, 2010

Wind Spinners

    We read the book "Like A Windy Day" in first grade art class today.  Their teacher and I both told funny stories about times when the wind took things out of our hands and blew them far away, sending us on a wild goose chase to get them back!  I asked them if they remembered the scene in The Polar Express when the little girls' golden ticket got lost and was swept away by the wind- they finished the story.  I asked them to tell me what can be blown away by the wind and what can't.  They understood that the wind moves things and can sometimes be very powerful.  Then, we made Wind Spinners; our very own art that can be twisted and turned in the wind.  This was a one part lesson, and the students loved making these. They were so excited to be able to take them home and share them with their families.

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